Despite trying to leave behind his life of crime, Danny reluctantly teams with naïve rich kid Liam and wildcard drug dealer Kit Viper. A botched...
The Blacklight
The true story of Mamie Till Mobley’s relentless pursuit of justice for her 14 year old son, Emmett Till, who, in 1955, was lynched while...
A 20-something camping trip goes horribly wrong when a Maniac Serial Killer (Jed Rowen) and a Psycho Homeless Guy (William Alva) invite themselves....
Park Ranger Don Morgan is torn from his routine life, when he stumbles upon a UFO visitation in the arid, deserted Park Area where he resides. An...
Aliens: Zone-X
A school teacher and her wheelchair-bound sister purchase a house that seems to be haunted by a strange supernatural force. Father LeCleur and his...
Demon Haunt
Sophie, a young volunteer, meets her kindred spirit in Roxie, a girl with a life threatening medical condition and a unique wish to meet Bigfoot.
A Wish for Giants
When the leader of an all-female biker gang (the "Hellcat's") is brutally murdered, the gang is out for vengeance! Now led by the tough & sexy "Kat",...
Hellcat's Revenge
A young girl awakens to a nightmare as her pleas to be seen and heard by her sister are taken as supernatural occurrences in this stylistic and...
Occurrence at Mills Creek
THE WILD WORLD OF TED V. MIKELS, a new documentary by Kevin Sean Michaels (no blood relation to Ted, but the same spirit), is a rollicking look at...
The Wild World of Ted V. Mikels