This film tells the story of a few uneventful days in the life of six pals. Lali, a great fan of America, owns a sandwich stand on the side of the...
Glass Tiger
1985. Hungary has elections for the first time since long where more than one candidate is allowed to run. The engineer Bodnár is the most...
Divided into four sections, "Song" is inspired by the Siberian and Finno-Ugric legends about Creation, in which the world begins with characters who...
Song of the Miraculous Hind
Csendkút is a historical film drama made for the fiftieth anniversary of the 1956 revolution and freedom struggle and dedicated to the poet...
Well of Silence
A rich couple's newly purchased wonder car breaks down on the way, forcing them to wait in a deserted parking lot until help is called to the car to...
Simple Guy
The story is set in a block house area, where number of strange events take place. Everybody has something to hide, nobody is innocent. Only a little...
The Blocks
Filmed in commemoration of Hungary's 1100th anniversary and on the sites of the actual events, a cast of thousands authentically recreates the 896 AD...
The Conquest
After witnessing a murder, a hapless pair of misfits escape their own near death experience by posing as male strippers - only to find themselves...
Magic Boys
In the second half of the 1800s, the daughter of a Debrecen family marries a landowner, Kálmán Jablonczay. The couple move to the...
An Old-Fashioned Story