An elderly security guard and a young businessman find themselves locked in an elevator for three days. During this time, everyone will try to prove...
The Elevator
This is a survival story - a Hemingway's 'Old Man and the Sea' as if written for our days.
The Old Man
An alien visited Earth 20 years ago to leave a device for collecting information about the planet's resources. When he returns for the data, his ship...
Kazakhs vs Aliens
The family of a wealthy businessman is forced to flee the city to a village, where an unusual life and unexpected adventures await them.
A story about the harsh times during colonization and famine of the 1930’s. The main character, gravedigger Isatai, played by Yerkebulan...
Darkhan, a young scientist, returns home, where he has not been for seven years. His girlfriend Elena comes with him. The eldest member of the family...