The adventures of Pedro, a musician who is trying his luck in Rio de Janeiro, in the 1950's. He leaves his hometown Belo Horizonte to share a lodging...
Sambando nas Brasas, Morô?
Diagnosed with leukemia, a vibrant, soccer-loving teenager enters the hospital, where she finds purpose in friendship and her example influences...
Meninas Não Choram
Laura makes spooky observations as soon as she starts her job as a teacher for two orphan students at a plantation. She concludes that it has...
Through The Shadow
Ivan Canabrava is a writer, turned insurance ivestigator who investigates mysterious deaths involving Bufo Marinus. Bufo Marinus is a frog poison...
Bufo & Spallanzani
The great battles are the backdrop for the unfolding of the Egyptian Queen's personal life. The strategy of Cleopatra is to seduce the Roman General...