Based on a true story. This is one of the viral stories in Indonesia where a mother kills a child named Angeline who is thought to be missing by many...
For Angeline
Newly married Jordan and Dewina has to face tragic fate. The night Jordan who should enjoy the first night, suddenly abandoned by Dewina who goes to...
Hantu Diskotik Kota
Adit (Iqbal Perdana), documentary film director, wants to find out the cause of the mysterious death of his wife. Adit is told by a psychic that...
Menara Stasiun Cawang
Several accidents on the motorway Cikopo–Palimanan aka Cipali attract public attention. Many believe that the construction of the road has...
Cipali Km 182
Tells about Yuna's journey to Toraja with her close friends Dewa and Andy. Their goal to Toraja to do a report that was assigned by Clara and the...
Walking Dead - Tomate
A story of friendship as well as a love triangle between Andi, Widia and Prassetyo. Pras suddenly reappears in Andi and Widia's life, who are married...
Unlimited Love