When Oskar, a sensitive, bullied 12-year-old boy, meets his new neighbor, the mysterious and moody Eli, they strike up a friendship. Initially...
Let the Right One In
Alvar is a pensioner who hides his guilt by "constructing" fictitious memoirs. By chance he meets Miriam, a socially tone deaf and obstinate...
Good Luck. And Take Care of Each Other
A magical musical adventure about Annabell Olsson and her quest for the wizard who turned himself into a glass of lemonade and drank himself. 700...
Annabell's Spectacularities
It's late summer in the small town of Valleby, but the calm is disrupted by bad news. The police station is under threat to be closed, which neither...
JerryMaja's Detective Agency - Shadows of Valleby
A show/happening recorded at restaurant Tyrol in Stockholm.
Tingel Tangel på Tyrol