The story of an apartment with several floors. When you open the door and enter it, in the third floor there lives Raana, the English translator with...
The film "Bam Bala" is the story of siblings named Hina and Amir Ali, who seek help from a doll named Bam Bala to reconcile their parents. Bam Bala...
Bam Bala
A satirical take on the mundane absurdities of life in modern-day Iran, these nine vignettes illuminate the lighter side of enduring under...
Terrestrial Verses
The story shows a different point of view of Iraq's invasion since it's narrated by self sacrificing fearless women who reach the army fortress in...
Squad Of Girls
The satirical commentary on clergymen in post-revolutionary Iran. While in prison, petty criminal Reza (Parviz Parastui) comes across a clergyman,...
The Lizard
Arjang, who was born before the revolution in Iran, has been in love with his childhood sweetheart, Roya, for the past 40 years. Roya, however, has...
Sperm Whale
Unfinished Stories employs a structure familiar to Western indie cinema by following a set of seemingly random but interlocking episodes. Debut...
Unfinished Stories
Zary comes to Tehran to help her family. However, premarital conditions have made stories for them.
Premarital Condition
Reza is an artist who dreams of traveling to Cannes and meeting the gratest living figures of cinema. He travels to Paris to meet Steven Spielberg...
Red Carpet
In this Iranian film, social worker Mina (Fateme Motamed-Aria) tells the reformatory head they should offer genuine emotional feedback to their...
A Mother's Love
After an untimely summons from his department head, Mr. Ahmadi collided with a trolley carrying iron and was killed on his way to work. On that day,...
Fictions and Realities
The story of the film is about a boy named Morteza who has a borderline disease and Ibn Ardah will become dependent on one person, that Morteza in...
An Elegy for Morteza