Mofturi 1900 is a 1964 Romanian comedic film directed by Jean Georgescu and based on Ion Luca Caragiale's many Moments and Sketches. The sketches...
Mofturi 1900
Geared more for the home crowd with a good knowledge of their own history, this Romanian political comedy takes place at the turn of the 20th...
Over at the fictional DRGBP institution, events take a settling turn after a mutinied prize festivity.
Our Director
Famous Romania communist propaganda movie, one of the templates to what followed. It is about the volunteers that built the Bumbești-Livezeni...
The Valley Resounds
Adapted from the sketch by Ion Luca Caragiale. A fine irony on pre-war politicism, which manages, through gastronomic means, to ridicule an entire...
Politica cu… delicatese