Hak-ming heads the Ko Family, but he and his brothers, Hak-ting and Hak-on, and the second wife of the late Master Ko quarrel. Young Cousin Mui, who...
"Family" (1953), which launched the Union Film legacy, "Spring" (1953) and "Autumn" (1954) are adaptations of Ba Jin's highly regarded novel "Torrent...
HK horror film.
Walking Corpse of an Old Temple
HK historical drama.
The Misguided Spirit in the Well
A pair of twin sisters, very different in character , with the younger sister being involved with multiple men, but the older sister being a virtuous...
Return of the Lascivious Woman's Soul
Chinese Opera from Hong Kong directed by Chan Pei.
Top Singers Two
Yung (Ng Cho-fan) is an upper-class kid who has fallen from grace. He forms a warped relationship with a rich widow (Pak Yin), only to meet again his...
Blood-Stained Azaleas
Fong Yim-fun puts on a tour de force as an ill-fated woman, separated from her lover through an arranged marriage to the terminally ill and impotent...
Mysterious Murder, Part One
Mysterious Murder, Part 2
In this deeply moving tale, a wealthy young man, Tak (Pak Wan), falls in love with his aunt’s servant, Ling (Pak Yin). However, their...
A Reborn Romantic