The film presents the political events surrounding the Anschluss in March of 1938 through the lives of Carola Hell, a popular young actress at the...
'38 - Vienna Before the Fall
This film, dramatizing Weininger's life, is an adaptation of the 1982 play Soul of a Jew by Israeli writer Joshua Sobol. Weininger's last despondent...
Weininger's Last Night
After nearly two decades of wedded bliss, Rosemarie and Hubert Haller's marriage is a shambles. While Rosemarie begins an affair with Bernd, a...
A holocaust survivor now living as a respected writer in Manhattan is the only person who can identify a suspected Nazi back in his native Austria....
A voyeuristic tycoon orchestrates a risky, passion-charged triangle between himself, his right-hand man, and a beautiful executive. Another classy,...
Business for Pleasure
Jojo, a bicycle messenger prone to daydreaming, gets a job offer from a stranger that begins to blur the lines between fantasy and reality. When the...
One of the main theses of the Marienthal study was that prolonged unemployment leads to a state of apathy in which the victims do not utilize any...
Marienthal: The Sociography of an Unemployed Community
...beschloss ich Politiker zu werden
A misunderstood youth is incorrectly placed in a mental hospital.
A curator and a visitor walk through an imaginary museum of recent German history. The focal plane follows the scenario of a tour in that the...
Im Museum