An elderly man gets mistaken for a taxi driver while on a drive through the busy streets of Port-of-Spain. What follows is a long day of reckoning...
Short Drop
Dark satire of the Manhattan entertainment industry in which a gifted actor (Charlie Barker) begins his fall from grace as he encounters a...
Seducing Charlie Barker
The small plane Tinny dreams of becoming a hero, but in a friendly team of inveterate planes he does not get recognition. One day, despite the...
Sky Force
An aspiring actress navigates the musically comedic underbelly of Hollywood in search of fame fortune (boys) and herself. Hint: she finds one.
Booze Boys and Brownies
The family of cops is back, this time dealing with the murder of a priest tied in with the Russian Mafia, who proceed to try to draw the family off...
Breach of Faith: A Family of Cops II
Police Inspector Paul Fein copes with family troubles while also dealing with the possibility of advancement to police chief. Meanwhile, his son is...
Family of Cops III: Under Suspicion