Awarded best Colorado Short Film, at Intendence film Festival, it is the psychological - science fiction story about two men trapped in a mysterious...
This is the Award Winning short noir film (student film) written and directed by Richard Corso. It is the story a writer, seeking inspiration.
The Grey Gentlemen
Harold Pinter's play, "The New World Order" was first performed on July 19th 1991 at the Royal Court Theatre Upstairs, London. The following is...
The New World Order
A sudden death and unexpected pregnancy force an impoverished woman to decide between freeing herself or remaining a relic of her drive-by Southern...
A Song For Imogene
Jessica Comley is an American agent of the U.S. Border Patrol on the Arizona-Mexico border. In this unforgiving desert, she is proud and determined...
The Wall
Artists, Poets, Writers, Musicians, and Dissidents, Husbands and Wives, in the Marxist USSR GULAG camps of Barashevo and Vorkuta, suffer in and...
Gulag Barashevo
The Gunfight at the OK Corral only happened once, but has been tirelessly recreated in films, television shows and western towns ever since. No one...
Tombstone Rashomon