This short film introduces Semira, a strange boy who comes to play with Ojaru and his chums and bears a marked resemblance to a boy of the same name...
Prince Mackaroo the Movie: The Promised Summer - Ojaru and Semira
Nakoruru, finally returned to her home Kamuikotan after a long, fierce battle, receives a warm welcome from dear friends and the village children....
Nakoruru: Ano Hito kara no Okurimono
The story mainly revolves on Nakoruru and her humanistic ideals: she believes that anyone with a heart has the right to live peacefully. Shiki,...
Samurai Shodown 2
Fire-safety PSA short based off of the Super Mario Bros. series.
Super Mario's Fire Brigade
Memories of Stray Wolves is an animated featurette recapping the stories of Fatal Fury: King of Fighters, Fatal Fury 2, Fatal Fury 3: Road to the...
Garou Densetsu 15th Anniversary ~Memories of Stray Wolves~