The story of Captain Balram Singh Mehta of India’s 45 Cavalry regiment who, along with his siblings, fought on the eastern front during the...
David and Monty, estranged half-brothers, train in mixed martial arts to earn a livelihood. However, things change when the two are forced to compete...
A tiny film production house in Mumbai navigates everyday challenges while struggling under the leadership of an excitable, eccentric director and a...
And Cut!
When Ankur is wrongfully imprisoned and sentenced to death in a foreign country, his steely sister Satya is driven by a lethal resolve to break him...
A corrupt cop and a serial killer obsessed with a psychopath from the '60s get caught up in a ruthless cat-and-mouse game.
Raman Raghav 2.0
A young mute girl from Pakistan loses herself in India with no way to head back. A devoted man with a magnanimous spirit undertakes the task to get...
Bajrangi Bhaijaan
Based on the true incident of the 2002 terrorist attack in Gujarat's Akshardham temple, the story revolves around the bravery of NSG commandos, who...
State of Siege: Temple Attack
A father and son, at odds with each other, find themselves compelled to spend 48 hours together.
The Mehta Boys