A boy and his dog take a wondrous trip under the earth's crust and through the geological eras of time, introducing children to geology in the form...
Dig: A Journey Into Earth
In this short film, prominent jazz musicians of the 1940s gather for a rare filming of a jam session. This highly stylized chronicle features tenor...
Jammin' the Blues
When Felix's piano-playing causes Kitty's Ming vase to break.
False Vases
Oceantics starts with Felix walking while whistling. He sees a monkey playing a harmonica. After finishing, the monkey gets showered with coins....
There's no real plot here: just a string of gags on the theme of sleep, or trying to get to sleep. First, Felix and a quartet of feline Felix clones...
Forty Winks
Felix goes on a picnic.
April Maze
Improvisational jazz performance filmed in 1950 by Gjon Mili plus Duke Ellington Trio filmed in July 1966, Count Basie at the Montreux Jazz Festival...