A coming-of-age story that explores how money affects Pacific communities and their churches. The film follows a Samoan teenager who is coming to a...
The Last Sunday
Maka, a Tongan superfan, will do whatever it takes to get tickets to the Tonga v France Rugby World Cup game - even if that means promising to...
Red, White & Brass
Hibiscus (Suivai Pilisipi Autagavaia, from short film Manurewa) and the take no nonsense Ruth (Anna-Maree Thomas) have been friends since school. But...
Hibiscus & Ruthless
In Dark Places is the gripping story of an innocent man, imprisoned for two decades for a crime he did not commit, and an ex-cop's heroic battle to...
In Dark Places
Inspired by the true stories of New Zealand's street gangs across 30 years, we follow Danny at three defining moments in his life as he grows from a...