Set in a fictional world, the story is about the psychological conflict between a king in a town and an extraordinary man, and how that man, through...
Whistle ....Hodi Magaa is an Indian Kannada film directed by Prashant Raj of Love Guru Fame. The story begins on a romantic note with Ram, a pizza...
Director's Special is a 2013 Indian Kannada satire comedy film written and directed by Guruprasad. It stars a debutant Dhananjay along with Rangayana...
Director's Special
A suspended cop and a mechanic are on the search for a quick buck, while a gang of drug traffickers and gangsters are willing to kill for a valuable...
Badava Rascal is the journey of Shankar who lives life on his own terms. When he gets kidnapped along with his friend over trivial issues by goons,...
Badava Rascal
Manjunatha is a lazy man who does not want to struggle to earn a living. He gets married to a hard working woman who works in a garment factory and...
Eddelu Manjunatha
Filmmaker learns about his past life, in which he attempted to make the first ever Kannada movie.