A couple in their late 90s, lead a happy life with a large family of four generations. On the day of their granddaughter's engagement an unexpected...
The hilarious comic twists that awaits when Joymon, desperate to escape his lonely, mundane and routine life in remote freezing Canada, decides to...
A disaster film set during the 2018 Kerala Floods where people from all walks of life faced catastrophic consequences and put in collective efforts...
Following the death of a family member, a mother and son experience mysterious events which distort their sense of reality and make them question...
A psychologist with a keen interest in criminology gets entangled in a tough serial killer case which the police find hard to crack.
Anjaam Pathiraa
Thampan and Antony are a long time best friends and business partners who owned a saw mill at Kattappana in the past. A family tragedy and its...
Lalappan is empathetic, compassionate and a nature lover. His thoughts are different from those around him, so he faces discrimination. His life...
When a set of locally rooted characters set out to explore the after life, their humorous stories connect each other to bring justice to their...
Kunjamminis Hospital
Hilarity ensues when a group of men in a small village in Kottayam get together to cook Biryani for a birthday party. The friendly banter over...
Sree Dhanya Catering Service
Set in the background of the densely crowded city of Cochin. A city filled with the advertisements of fertility clinics. Flavoured with humour...
A middle-aged, narcissistic, angry, rich man is abusive to the young girl he has married, who is half his age, but then the tables turn when he is...
A bright but misunderstood student, who has a passion for BMX and a love for science, in his search for humanity. His faith in humanity is tested...
Derick Abraham, a fiery and dutiful police officer, continues to be the best officer until his brother Philip Abraham gets arrested for false murder...
Abrahaminte Santhathikal