A story spanning three generations, from 1871 to 1945. When Gustav Wengler, a farmer’s son, returns from the Franco-German war in 1871, he goes...
Wengler & Sons
He could have had women, he could have climbed the ladder of his accountancy career, and he could have stood on the podium next to the highest in the...
Farssmann oder Zu Fuß in die Sackgasse
Martin XIII.
Die Zwillinge
Kasper und die Heinzelmännchen
A wild story set in eighteenth-century Prussia. Alexander can do everything that a real devil of a fellow must be able to do: ride, shoot, love and...
Mir nach, Canaillen
Five-year-old Peter and his older brother Hans drop the Christmas present for their parents in the middle of the road and it gets flattened by a car....
Der Weihnachtsmann heißt Willi
Der Bärenhäuter
This film takes place during the Seven Years' War. The Prussian Major von Tellheim has become engaged to the Saxon noblewoman Minna von Barnhelm....
Minna von Barnhelm oder Das Soldatenglück
This film continues the story of radio operator Ludwig Bartuschek from “The Sailor’s Song”. Near the end of the Weimar Republic,...
People with Wings
Den Wolken ein Stück näher
On the way to the holiday camp, 16-year-old Steffi falls in love with Norbert, whom she has known for a long time from visiting grandfather in...
Das Puppenheim in Pinnow
Elated by the Italian attitude to life, family Struutz returns to Bitterfeld and experiences a shock: In the turmoil of the reunification her house...
Go Trabi Go 2: Those Were the Days of the Wild East