The movie tells the story of two filmmakers seeking talented people for acting in a musical entitled Maftuningman (Delighted by You). One of the...
Delighted by You
The film tells the story of Anzirat, an elderly woman who lives in a small village in Soviet Uzbekistan with her son, daughter-in-law, and their ten...
Grandma the General
For many years the great Emir of Bukhara has not known happiness - he has lost the taste to delightful khalva, and now life is as sour as a lemon for...
Taste of Khalva
Based on Rabindranath Tagore's novel "Crash".
Gang's Daughter
Having once seen a portrait of the shah dancer Madina Banu, the singer Murad-ali falls in love with a beauty and sets off in search of her. The hero...
Poem of Two Hearts
The film takes place in an Indian village at the end of the 19th century. Colonial reality, the arbitrariness of the authorities, the slaughter of...
Light and Shadows
A young man Bakhtiyar falls in love with a girl he saw on the TV screen.
Where Are You, My Zulfiya
Old Husan Ata has been waiting for a meeting with his son all through the war, hoping and believing that he is alive. He hasn't received any letters...
Memory Grove
A young physicist, the energetic and talented Timur Akbarov, joins the small established team of the scientific laboratory. Step by step —...
That Nice Guy
The hero of the painting is a young man who is engaged in deciphering ancient cuneiform inscriptions. His life flows exactly according to schedule,...
I'll Give You a City