The hilarious comic twists that awaits when Joymon, desperate to escape his lonely, mundane and routine life in remote freezing Canada, decides to...
Alby, who is married to the girl he loves, Sara, against the will of both their families. While the couple leads a romantic life in a residential...
Oru Cinemakkaran
After years of being away in Dubai, Joshua returns for his sister's funeral. But it gets weird when he starts seeing his beloved sister's spirit.
Bhaskara, a conservative villager, hates the idea of his son relocating to Russia for a job. However, when his son brings a robot to care for him, he...
Android Kunjappan Version 5.25
Love Under Construction
A couple in their late 90s, lead a happy life with a large family of four generations. On the day of their granddaughter's engagement an unexpected...
When a set of locally rooted characters set out to explore the after life, their humorous stories connect each other to bring justice to their...
Kunjamminis Hospital
After facing rough times in life, Nandini, a resilient and tough woman returns to Law College to finish her education. She finds solace in new...
Anandapuram Diaries
Sthanarthi Sreekuttan (Candidate Sreekuttan) is a story of four mischievous students in K.R Narayanan U.P school. Story revolved around the conflict...
Sthanarthi Sreekuttan
Shirley and Roy in the middle of an impending Covid lock-down and a personal financial crisis, leave their Mumbai home for Shirley's home in Pala...
Boney, a carefree man finds his life turned upside down after marriage when hes forced to deal with the restless spirit of his obsessive-compulsive...
Hello Mummy
Golden Love is a tender and heartwarming short film that explores the enduring bond between an elderly couple, Amos and Anna, and their mischievous...
golden love