In a quirky, small town, situated in the outskirts of everything, 14-year-old Martin is getting ready for one of the most formal transitions from boy...
Speed Walking
Family film 'My Sisters Kids & the Gold Diggers' sends Uncle Erik and the kids on a new adventure. This time discovering the children that their...
My Sisters Kids & the Gold Diggers
Three 13-year-olds start a detective agency and in solving their first case, learn about friendship and courage.
The Detectives
A coming-of-age story about a 14-year-old girl who works at a car mechanic's and hangs out with her friends. She challenges boundaries in her search...
Alex is a 12-year old tomboy. She hangs out with a group of boys, drinks and paints graffiti at night. Confronted with an incipient sexuality she...
Damn Girl
Four high school teachers launch a drinking experiment: upholding a constant low level of intoxication.
Another Round