The story of five generations of the Austrian-Brazilian Knieps family, from the inauguration of their family-owned Great Mystical Circus in the 1910s...
The Great Mystical Circus
The film tells the story of Luiz Antônio, a clumsy radio host, who unexpectedly finds himself in charge of a bankrupt radio station. Relying...
Turn It Up, It's Rock 'n' Roll
Orfeu is a popular composer from a samba school. He lives in the favela and falls madly in love when he meets Euridice, a newcomer to the...
God decides to take a vacation, but first He has to find a saint who can rule the universe while He's away. So He goes to the Northeast of Brazil,...
God Is Brazilian
After being exiled for 26 years, Tieta returns to her native village in Bahia, bringing chaos and upheaving the local order.
Tieta of Agreste
The 1990s marked the success of the boy-band Chocante. Twenty years later, the group has disbanded and the members took different paths in life. The...