Set on the eve of a fictional inaugural of the Bangsamoro Government, the film revolves around Daud, a scion of a political dynasty who is reluctant...
Set in Mindanao, young Faisal, after both his parents were killed due to a ransom kidnapping, carries a bag filled with dollars and attempts to elude...
The Journey of Stars Into the Dark Night
A family is in ruins after the last male member dies. To salvage their future, the matriarch Kadiguia decides to look for a suitable husband for the...
Daughters of the Three Tailed Banner
Star-crossed lovers Paleng and Eliong bid farewell as their love is threatened by the imminent demolition of Paleng’s coastal village. However,...
Drama - - Dan Lester Albarracin, Perry Dizon, Fe GingGing Hyde
A filmmaker revisits the town of Tayug, Pangasinan in preparation for a new feature film she is making about the folk hero Pedro Calosa and the Tayug...
The Ashes And Ghosts of Tayug 1931
Students begin fighting for their lives when a mysterious virus breaks out.
Class of 2018
This is a Filipino omnibus film about three different journeys.
Orphaned by war, 12-year old Nikol found a new home in Isla Kalilintad, an island community of people from different cultures and faith traditions....
Hospital Boat
In a remote community, a girl named Joy faces a menacing land grabber, Rommel, who violently coerces her grandfather into selling their ancestral...
Beneath the Firefly Veil
Amid drought and famine in Cupang, a young woman named Elsa claims to have seen the Virgin Mary and been blessed with the ability to heal the sick....
Isang Himala