Moroccan TV movie, its events revolve around the situation of a poor family living in one of the marginal neighbourhoods in the old city of...
The Outskirts
The story of a stingy man, who despite his great wealth he owns, his children and his wifeare living in great deprivation.. Immediately after his...
شهادة الحياة
Amal, a young teacher, has been assigned to a remote village, since her arrival she has encountered many problems, mainly the harassed of Haj lwardi,...
The Teacher
A father searches for his son after he disappeared from view, especially after doubts were raised about his possibility of joining extremist groups
The Shell Necklace
Malak, a teen girl, discovers she's pregnant. Rejected by the baby's dad, she faces a world that rejects her for being a single mum.
Ahmed's story is about a lazy man who works in a call center. He marries his new director Mona. One day, he is fired from his job while his wife is...
Wife's husband
A Moroccan-Norwegian co-production about the dark side of Casablanca (Casanegra). In a country where good virtues are the norm in public, Casanegra...
Things change in the life of the taxi driver, Alal, in terms of appearance and financial level, and he goes on many adventures with several...
Taxi Bied 2