The film revolves around a young man, who lives with his uncle after the death of his father. He is a reckless young man who relies on the money of...
First Time in Love
One of the beauties of the estate lives with her sister and her brother-in-law. As a man proposes to her and they arrange for their wedding, an...
Incident of Dishonor
Afraid of Something
Tata (Sherif Negm) works as a bartender in a nightclub, and since he lives in dreams and not in reality, he is fired from work. He goes to work for...
Tata Fell asleep, Tata woke up
Hoda, a poor girl, gets the chance to marry a millionaire and travel with him. When she returns to Egypt, she establishes her own business where she...
Huda and His Excellency the Minister
The events of the series revolve around journalist Hend Allam, whose husband, a famous nuclear scientist, is assassinated by a terrorist group. Hend...
Who shot the bullets at Hind Allam
Nima Abdel Ghaffar is a married woman and works as a simple employee in a company. She lives her life in a boring routine in addition to the pressure...
Woman on top
The beautiful young orphan Samia submits her resignation when she learns the truth about the bad intentions of the hotel manager in which she works,...
Maknsh ElAsham
Azab is a simple employee whose life gets complicated when his brother Samir falls for a prostitute. As Samir tries to help his sweetheart recover...
A young man working in Alexandria marries his beautiful sweetheart, which is desired by a senior official in the Socialist Union uses his influence...
El Zalem Wel Mazloom
Alaa lives and grows up in a forest in Africa, and before the death of his father, the ruler of the African country in which he and his son live...
شيلني وأشيلك
Hussein and Qasim participate in a dance group with Karawan. Debts accumulate on the group, which leads to the separation of the two partners. Each...
Al-Karawan Loh Shafayef
Fathia runs a small restaurant for the mine workers, and her daughter helps her, who has no one to support her but her mother and her lover, the...
Fattah Tabhas Aaan El Hob
The widowed lawyer Ref'at neglects his children for his work. As he delegates their care to the nanny Laila, she befriends the children and gets...
Love... Sweeter Than Love
A just married couple receive threatening calls.
Mokalmet Baa'd Montasaf Elleil
Several models of Egyptian citizens are introduced during the British occupation, from Shukry the army officer who refuses to shoot at student...
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