'Muchas Gracias de Nada', is a show premiered on June 15, 1979 at the Coliseo Theater in the City of Buenos Aires by the Argentinean ensemble of...
Hacen muchas gracias de nada
'Mastropiero que nunca' was a theatrical humour/music show by Les Luthiers, first performed on Friday 9 September 1977 and last done on Sunday 27...
Mastropiero que nunca
Formed in 1967 by Gerardo Masana, during the height of a period of very intense Choral Music activity in Argentina's state universities, Les Luthiers...
Humor dulce hogar
Les Luthiers Complete Collection
Les Luthiers is an Argentine comedy-musical group, very popular also in several other Spanish-speaking countries such as Paraguay, Guatemala, Peru,...
Viegésimo aniversario
Here Les Luthiers is a recital of the Argentine group of informal musical instruments Les Luthiers, made especially for the 45th edition of the...
Aquí Les Luthiers