The film revolves around a group of young people, living in a popular area and suffer from poverty and unemployment, and after a series of events...
Chivalrous Boys
When his aunt postpones her arrival from Brazil, Farid and his friend Nabil ask their actor friend Sokar to pose as Farid's aunt in front of Salwa...
Lady Sukkar
Film is in the form of satire, movie review the crises facing the Egyptian people, particularly the suffering of the popular classes . Belongs...
H Dabbour
Alaa Deek is a bank employee who belongs to an ancient family, but he hates women from childhood and avoids any dealings with his family. When he and...
Last Rooster in Egypt
The film revolves around three brothers of the same father, "Munir dangerous" . "Samir" (Ahmad Fahmy), is doubler of the artist Ahmed El Shakka in...
Samer & Shaher & Baher
After an 18-year hiatus from acting, Sherihan returns to the stage to portray Coco Chanel, the renowned French fashion designer and style icon.
Coco Chanel
A trio of die-hard Turkish soap opera fans travel to Istanbul to meet their favorite actor but end up wrongly accused of kidnapping him, turning...
My Treat
The events revolve around 3 women who love Turkish series. They go on a trip from Riyadh to Istanbul to see their favorite actor, but things turn...
Mahmool Makfool