Félix, operator of dodgem cars in a fairground, becomes obsessed by one of his customers, a mysterious young woman named Lola. Félix...
Felix and Lola
Sophie and Olivier are a couple leading a straightforward life. They’re bakers in Paris and their lives are regulated by the constraints of...
A drunken, self-destructive woman called Betty wanders into a Parisian bar where she meets middle-aged alcoholic Laure. Laure decides to take care of...
It is 1654, in the South of France. When horsemen follow a runaway slave into the convent where he's taken sanctuary and kill both the fugitive and...
D'Artagnan's Daughter
A half English, half French screenwriter visits her parents on the Riviera after her father's heart surgery. Once there, she begins to connect with...
Daddy Nostalgia
Et moi... et moi!
Mes deux maris