Drama, controversy, reconciliation. Meghan Markle was thrown into the spotlight in 2017 after her whirlwind romance with Prince Harry took centre...
Meghan Markle: Unforgiven
One year ago Romesh Ranganathan and special guests Richard Osman, Katherine Ryan and Danny Dyer made some bold predictions for 2018. Now...
Romesh's Look Back to the Future
On January 8, 2020, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex made a shocking announcement that sent ripples around the world: they were leaving the Royal...
Harry & Meghan: The Next Step
It’s been more than three years since Harry and Meghan officially left the royal family. But what was it that lead to them leaving? What stunts...
Harry and Meghan: What's Next?
Meghan Markle, Californian, Former actress and wife of Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Wallis Simpson, American socialite and wife to Prince of...
Wallis & Meghan: American Duchesses