This pioneering film in the history of African-American cinema, released two years before "A Raisin In The Sun", is the coming-of-age story of a...
Take a Giant Step
The true story of Leonard Matlovich, a U.S. Air Force sergeant who, in 1975, publicly divulged his homosexuality and fought to remain in service.
Sergeant Matlovich vs. the U.S. Air Force
James Earl Jones delivers a riveting performance as paranoid patriarch King Lear, an aging monarch who insists that his three daughters prove their...
King Lear
Fraternity and sorority members clash with other students at a historically black college during homecoming weekend.
School Daze
22-year-old police officer poses as a student to find the identity of a drug supplier at an inner-city high school.
High School Narc
In the 1920s, the rights of American workers to join a labor union was still considered an open question, and African-Americans were routinely denied...
10,000 Black Men Named George