Recently fired and desperate for work, a troubled young man named Mike agrees to take a position as a night security guard at an abandoned theme...
Five Nights at Freddy's
A young college graduate toiling as an intern has dreams of making it big in publishing, and the chance comes when they accept an offer to become the...
Gonzo Girl
Backed by a full band and a ready wit, actor Ben Platt opens up a very personal songbook onstage -- numbers from his debut LP, "Sing to Me Instead."
Ben Platt: Live from Radio City Music Hall
After being forced to join the aviator's club at his high school, Tommy Schroeder attempts to help Eugene and Anna accomplish their goal: to fix...
Model Airplane
Anyone can survive five nights. This time, there will be no second chances.
Five Nights at Freddy's 2
Lea, an adventurous and free-spirited thirteen-year-old, lives in idyllic Upstate New York with her academic parents. On the day her family prepares...
A young nurse downloads an app that tells her she only has three days to live. With time ticking away and a mysterious figure haunting her, she must...
Oblivious to their close proximity to one another, two women reflect on a brief connection they shared six months earlier.
A 30-year-old spends a wild weekend in Palm Springs and wakes up to find she has magically transformed into her 70-year-old self.
Mack & Rita
The third installment in the Five Nights at Freddy's movie series. Plot TBA.
Five Nights at Freddy's 3