Based on a novel of the same name by the Finnish author, Antti Tuuri, this delicious late-80's comedy builds its dark humour on the stereotypical...
A young woman finds a hidden bit of film about her mother's youth, a film which somehow seems linked to her own life.
Butterfly's Dream
The Undressing
Anssi Mänttäri’s low-budget movies with their intimate content have become classics. In this black comedy that takes place in...
Viimeiset rotannahat
Middle-aged municipal architect Mikko is frustrated with his job and his marriage, so for years he has directed his energy into renovating a...
Yö meren rannalla
A man fakes his own suicide in order to see how his close ones react.
A group of three male friends with domestic problems behave badly.
A newly graduated nurse Tuulikki starts a job in a closed ward of a psychiatric hospital. Her innocence is being challenged by both her colleagues...
Palava enkeli
The daughter of an alcoholic mother tries to improve her mother's life. However, the traumas of the mother are so great that the daughter's efforts...
Meduusalla ei ole sydäntä
Drug dealer Aki is taken to hospital after a violent attack where he loses his merchandise and money. One of the paramedics, old Eino, befriends Aki...
The Archer
The father of a Finnish family brings home a cute puppy, Stormheart. No one in the family knows anything about the dog. Little by little, the mystery...