The story revolves around 22-year-old Laure, who is trying to find her feet. After performing brilliantly in her literature studies, she enrols as a...
Ashley Leroy is the first french football player to ever win the Ballon d'or. To put and end to her successful career, she decides to play at En...
Le Défi de Noël
Late 1950s in France. One woman, two men. She, Ève Faugère, a glamorous diva at the peak of her career. The man, her husband, Maurice...
Goodbye Vinyle
Back in his hometown to celebrate the success of his latest book, David learns that his assistant and friend, Michael, is going to become a father....
Sunflowers at Night
Because he wanted to protect his little brother, Teddy, a young man without a history, is accused of the murder of his father and sent to a closed...
Edgar wakes up after his first overdose.
Off to Die