A wickedly clever musical based on the life and times of former Australian Prime Minister, Paul Keating. The genius of the lyrics, audacity of the...
Keating! The Musical
Darkly satirical musical work, a kind of twisted social autopsy, examining the stranger cultural rituals we find ourselves performing.
Eddie Perfect - Misanthropology
Eddie Perfect and his family go on an adventure, as they experience the iconic Walt Disney World Resort in Florida. From rides to stage shows and the...
The Perfect Adventure
Join your favourite drunk aunties Joel Creasey and Rhys Nicholson as they host a yuletide gay extravaganza featuring some of their favourite...
Rhys & Joel’s Family Christmas
The Bella All-Star Band can't do their usual live gigs this Christmas, for obvious reasons. But that doesn't mean the Yuletide can't be celebrated....
A Swingin' Bella Christmas 2020
With exclusive access to the Australian rehearsals of his global theatre hit, Matilda & Me charts the relationship between Tim Minchin and the...
Matilda & Me
Australia’s finest musical talent grace the stage with the sounds of the festive season
A (Very) Musical Christmas