Deep within the underbelly of Paris, there is a club which is the home of a secret, wicked society. At first it resembles an ordinary fetish or Goth...
The Profane Exhibit
A comedy that walks on the field of non-fiction, focusing on the attempts of an artist (Dídac Alcaraz) to reflect the presence of foreign...
Mi loco erasmus
Dídac spent a long time preparing his new trick and he is finally showing it to Miguel.
Dani Tomás (Berto Romero) is a television screenwriter disillusioned and bored of his work. One day he receives unexpected news: for a legal...
Something Huge
A fragmented view of contemporary Spain, drawing conclusions about the persistence of the human condition, strangeness, and the chaos within...
People in Places
Buscarse la vida en el cine