A group of students encounter strange and terrifying events during their community service in a remote village. This film is an extended version of...
KKN, Curse of the Dancing Village: Luwih Dowo, Luwih Medeni
Genta shares a story about the company he used to work for in Yogyakarta. The story started when the company moved to a new building. Genta and his...
Keluarga Tak Kasat Mata
Dodo Rozak just wants to be a good father to his daughter, Kartika, despite his limited intelligence, acts and behaves like children. In fact, it is...
Miracle in Cell No. 7
After a shaman casts a curse on her, a woman is killed by dark sorcery and resurrected as a wrathful spirit who seeks to reunite with her newborn...
Suzzanna: Kliwon Friday Night
Dewi and her two children, Bella and Dio, moved into a house that apparently once belonged to Purnomo and Dewi. The late Purnomo left a secret that...
Kurban: Budak Iblis
Perjanjian Iblis
Reunited after years apart, a young couple faces a new chapter of parenthood as they navigate challenges in raising their 4-year-old son together.
Two Blue Hearts
Six students were terrorized by a mysterious dancer while running a community service program in a remote village. Apparently, one of them violates...
KKN, Curse of the Dancing Village
Terrors and strange events haunt Maya and her family. She suspects that her uncles and aunty are behind it, as they're always after the family...
Since his father found a mysterious package and heard the eerie sounds of an indigenous tribe, Ardi and his family have experienced strange events....
Seven Seas Witchcraft