The true story of how Kara Robinson was kidnapped, assaulted and held captive for 18 hours, 15-year-old Kara Robinson plots a daring escape from a...
The Girl Who Escaped: The Kara Robinson Story
When private investigator Francesca “Frankie” Quinn’s fiancé is murdered, his sister hires her to find the killer. Frankie...
Francesca Quinn, PI
Becca and Robby are a married couple having a hard time connecting with each other as the holidays approach. Just before Christmas, they head to a...
We Wish You a Married Christmas
After the family matriarch passes away, her estranged granddaughter, Ashley, begins the impossible task of cleaning up the affairs of a woman she...
A young boy attempts to get a silver medal in the most daunting of middle school tasks, the flexed arm hang.
The Flexed Arm Hang
Newly divorced, Elise is renovating an inn that she inherited from her grandparents. When Luke, CFO of a major hotel chain, arrives in town, she does...
Autumn at Apple Hill
A team of paranormal investigators document the haunted Harland Manor, only to find themselves hunted by the malevolent ghosts that still dwell there.
Harland Manor