In the quiet family town of Suburbicon during the 1950s, the best and worst of humanity is hilariously reflected through the deeds of seemingly...
Haunted by the ghosts of the past, an ex FBI agent helps the police on a case of a murdered teenager to track the murderer.
A Killer Walks Amongst Us
A socially and politically frustrated young man with a troubled past vents his frustrations through a social networking website and unwittingly...
Escape Artist
When Kelly and Brian move to a farmhouse in search of a quiet life, they begin to hear strange voices and experience violent urges.
House of Darkness
When a Hollywood star mysteriously disappears in the middle of filming, the studio sends their fixer to get him back.
Hail, Caesar!
A nameless immigrant crosses the border leaving behind him a trail of blood and death. On his trail is an aging lawman seeking justice and redemption
It Came from Below