Kelly, a young mother, frantically searches for Hannah, her teenage daughter, who went missing after their car crashed outside of a small town in the...
Big Lies In a Small Town
High school teacher Elara’s quiet holiday season gets a jolt of spice when she accepts a 12 Dares of Christmas challenge from her sister while...
12 Dares of Christmas
Story of a struggling New York actor who discovers the formula for success and suddenly finds himself richer and more famous than he could have...
Becoming Dick
A Grinch-like thief retreats to her hometown in Connecticut after a con goes bad. There, she gets stuck baby-sitting her niece and nephew until their...
Christmas Caper
Julie must disclose her family's medical history before undergoing major surgery: when she questions her family, she discovers that she was adopted...
Family of Strangers
Five students on spring break meet at a secluded island cabin for a weekend getaway. Stranded on the island they become the prey of a mysterious...
Fear Island