Ahab, a great king of the Israelites, has fallen under the spell of Jezebel, a daughter of the King of the Sidonians. He has rejected the Israelites'...
Babylonian forces invade Jerusalem and carry away many of the city’s finest young people, including Daniel and his three young friends,...
Tells the story of Joseph from the Bible, when he was sent to Egypt by his brothers, and met Pharaoh.
Joseph in Egypt
This 30-minute, animated Bible video recounts the traumatic early years of Moses’ life, his privileged youth in Pharaoh’s household, and...
Elisha, even though he has self-doubts, accepts God’s commands. Through his obedience and faith, he becomes one of God’s greatest...
In keeping with her vow, Hannah dedicates her child to God. From his days as a young boy serving Eli, the high priest, to guiding the ancient...
Samuel the Boy Prophet