This production of "The Pirates of Penzance" boasts a stellar cast, including Anthony Warlow, David Hobson, Taryn Fiebig and Suzanne Johnston, and is...
Opera Australia: The Pirates of Penzance
In the 50's, in Paris, the neighbors Rodolfo and Mimi meet each other when Mimi's candle blows out in a cold and dark night. They immediately fall in...
La Bohème
Ralph Rackstraw, a poor seaman, is in love with the captain's daughter, Josephine. But how can he ask her to marry him when she is of a higher social...
H.M.S. Pinafore and Trial By Jury
TRIAL BY JURY is Gilbert and Sullivan's one-act operetta about a pompous judge who practices casual prejudice in the courtroom. This Opera Australia...
Trial by Jury
After marrying their sweethearts Gianetta and Tessa, gondoliers Marco and Giuseppe learn that one of them is really the King of Barataria. But it's a...
The Gondoliers
Conrad Susa's three-act opera with libretto by Philip Littell, is based on the scandalous 18th century novel by Pierre Chodelos de Laclos, a tale of...
The Dangerous Liaisons - San Francisco Opera