A story about Hannah (Anna Åström), a young woman who is very shy on the outside, but whose inner world is deep, exciting and vibrant. One...
Home Is Here
Thirteen-year-old Maruska has a few extra kilos. And with all the beautiful models, the complex starts. Her friends are climbing the steps of severe...
As Light As Breath
The film's protagonists get an opportunity to make a wish. Consequently, their lives take the path they themselves ordained. Several "coincidences"...
Wings of Christmas
The last drop for Jan's resolution is the voluntary death of his father-in-law, whose strength and patience ran dry. Grandma made decisions about...
Tiger Theory
Na druhý pohled
In a Czech school friendship grows between a teacher and a student. The friendship turns into an intimate relationship. Till the student begin to...
Smrt pedofila
Tajemství dešťového pokladu
On the trail of a runaway wolf, wolf guardian Hannah reluctantly visits her grandmother's native Czech village, close to the Austrian border....
Nebelkind: The End of Silence