Tom White is an architect who chooses to become homeless despite an seemingly otherwise successful life. However, it soon becomes clear that not...
Tom White
In The Realm of the Hackers is a documentary about the prominent hacker community, centered in Melbourne, Australia in the late 80's to early 1990....
In the Realm of the Hackers
Tommy Matisse, a gifted musician, undertakes an odyssey of self-discovery and tragedy in Melbourne's dance music scene.
One Perfect Day
An unexpected love story set in WW1 France between a young Australian baker who has deserted the front line, and a grieving French woman, who puts...
An Accidental Soldier
An illicit affair with a politician's daughter leads a young man on a city wide search for the perfect condom.
The Date
A young filmmaker pitches his latest masterpiece.
The Pitch
Martin, a mercenary, is sent from Europe by an anonymous biotech company to the Tasmanian wilderness on a hunt for the last Tasmanian tiger.
The Hunter