"Green Day: The Early Years" chronicles the rise of the world's most influential punk band, from their origins playing shows at Berkley's notorious...
Green Day: The Early Years
Undeniably one of the most important and influential gay music acts in the last twenty years, Pansy Division pioneered the "queercore" genre long...
Pansy Division: Life in a Gay Rock Band
Jeff Lucas is already an outcast, but when he makes a horror film instead of a documentary for his class project, the ridicule his classmates inflict...
Dead Above Ground
Retired cop Eddie Burns gave 15 years and the use of his left arm to the Reno homicide squad. When his wayward sister, Kassie, goes missing Eddie...
The urban on-line dictionary defines queercore as “Gay-themed, underground, independent music; usually punk rock (Team Dresch, Pansy Division,...
QUEERCORE (a punk-u-mentary)