Based on true facts, the film revolves around 6 brave soldiers who escape from the clutches of the Pakistan Army and risk death with honour and...
Akash, an aspiring graffiti artist lives with his father, Sudhakar in an old building in Mumbai. Akash's mother has recently demised. Apart from the...
Difficult People
Based on the life of Keshav Thackeray, an Indian politician who is also known as Balasaheb Thackeray.
A cop faces personal struggles in a deceptive town where dark forces exploit community sentiments. The movie explores themes of greed, community...
Aakhir Palaayan Kab Tak..?
A recently widowed forest ranger in India strikes up an unlikely relationship with a woman he finds lost and alone in the woods.
The Man Beyond the Bridge
Bantu is a ten year old boy who lives in a small town and enjoys spending time with his teenage friend Avneesh, who flies kites with the youngster...
Anant is a middle aged hearse-driver who brings corpses to the crematorium. He has little liking for the usual day to day routine and prefers to live...
Mr. Joshi fondly known as 'Lathe Joshi' for his skill at working the Lathe machine is left jobless. While his family and the world at large, manage...
Lathe Joshi
A law student witnesses the struggles of the Rajputs, deception, homicide and crime after being elected as General Secretary of his college.
Phantom is an action thriller that unfolds across various countries around the world. The plot revolves around protagonist Daniyal, whose journey to...
In order to retrieve his share from a diamond heist, a guilt driven Mumbai cop finds and confronts his drug addict partner who's hiding in a shady...
Black Label