Lukka Chuppi delves into the lives of a group of married couples, where the husbands are close friends. The story shows the group getting together...
Lukka Chuppi
Ravi, a critic, comes across the writings of K T N Kottoor. Highly inspired by what he reads, he travels to a village in Kerala in search of the...
A college student witnesses a gang attack and as his curiosity behind the encounter tries to get the better of him, he realizes that his dad and the...
Njan Steve Lopez
Rajan Zachariah is a Circle Inspector of Police and he is working in the Palakkad District. He is going to a village situated in the Kerala-Karnataka...
Harikrishnan is a geeky software professional who suffers from an obsessive compulsive disorder. A harthal day sees him travelling to Trivandrum for...
North 24 Kaatham
Preman (Fahad fazil)is the caretaker of a flat at Cochin. Everyone in the flat calls him 'Natholi'. He faces some unfortunate events in the flat and...
Natholi Oru Cheriya Meenalla
Riny (Biju Menon) is the right hand man of jeweller Lolappan (Innocent). He is extremely selfish and doesn't worry about the consequences of his...
Swarna Kaduva
A crime drama surrounding the death of a female CRPF officer.
Kuttan PIllai has decided to spend his Sivarathri (night of the Lord Shiva) with some good time with his family, only to be hampered by the news that...
Kuttanpillayude Sivarathri
Shiva, a lonely designer gets obsessed with an image from a random encounter. Caught in a web of imaginary delusions, he awaits release by an...
The Strange Case of Shiva