A monkey trainer whose act goes wrong after an alien crash lands on Earth and injures his monkey. Desperate to perform the act, he attempts to train...
Crazy Alien
When three friends open a hot pot restaurant in a former bomb shelter, they discover it’s linked by a single wall to the bank vault next door. ...
Chongqing Hot Pot
Tertön (or Treasure Master) is a term within Tibetan Buddhism meaning a person who is a discoverer of ancient hidden texts or terma. Many...
The film tells the story of 30 million worth of virtual currency triggering a scramble among several people. The side of human nature that is exposed...
Weird Typhoon
Jiangcheng was involved in a drug dumping case in the wilderness, which led to a drug delivery case by courier. The anti-drug captain Luo Jun’s...
The Poisoned Footless Bird