A young, struggling actress lands her dream role in a film by an emerging Italian director, starring alongside an American superstar. What begins as...
Being Maria
2012, John Dalli, the European Commissioner for Health, is accused of corruption and influence peddling related to the tobacco industry. French...
Smoke Signals
The day they move into a new neighborhood, the Feral family plans to look as normal and friendly as possible. But their son, Philemon, is no ordinary...
Waiting for the Night
Étienne is barely twenty when he falls in love with Valérie. They are hardly any more when their daughter Rosa is born. And then, one...
No Love Lost
Nancy, East of France. Summertime. Seeking to escape her troublesome family environment, Sophie, 15, jumps at the chance to get the spare keys to her...
Spare Keys
90 years old Suzanne, sharp and bright as a young woman, has just lost her lifelong mate. Her daughter and two granddaughters show up to comfort her....
Celles qui restent
The thirty-two emerging talents of French cinema running for the César for Best Female Revelation and the César for Best Male...
The Revelations 2024
This year, 36 actresses are being highlighted by the Revelations Committee of the Academy of Cinema Arts and Techniques. Lukas Dhont, a true...
The Revelations 2020
Camille, is the eldest of a large family. One day, her parents enter a religious community which gradually, regimentation becomes sectarian and...
The Dazzled
In a luxurious seaside villa, a modest young woman finds herself in the company of a strange family : an unknown and wealthy father, his extravagant...
The Origin of Evil
Audrey is a young woman from Lens who dreams of escaping her fate when she meets the Authentiks, a group of Ultras football fans. With them she...
C’est quoi l’amour ?