A gently humorous look at otherness and xenophobia in modern day German with this tale of a black Berlin teen named Leroy who rediscovers his roots...
A German flight attendant's life spirals downward after she leaves her husband, quits her job, and joins a radical group of animal rights activists.
At Ellen’s Age
Und ich lieb dich doch!
A German movie about a woman who returns home from an apparent suicide attempt to find her boyfriend has another girl staying there. He has parties...
Identity Kills
In the world's first Action Musical, Jake and his SWAT team raid an abandoned factory in order to bring down the country's most dangerous terrorist....
Hard Way: The Action Musical
Martha, Yasmin, Jamie and Sam live in a shared apartment in Kreuzberg. Martha is from France, Yasmin from Germany, Jamie from the U.S. and Sam from...
Club Europa